Calculate transcript counts assigned to each haplotype
input/output options:
-b|--bam BAM file containing RNA-seq reads
-i|--input Input ASE table
-o|--output Name of output ASTS file; defaults to lorals_out/asts.tsv
asts options:
-m|--mode ASTS mode, choose from length, quant; defaults to length
-x|--transcripts BAM file aligned to transcriptome; used when 'mode' is
set to 'quant'
-w|--window Window around a variant to calculate number of matches;
defaults to 5
-t--threshold Minimum number of matches in window around the variant;
defaults to 8
filter options:
-c|--coverage Minimum overall coverage; defaults to 10
-a|--allelic-coverage Minimum coverage per allele; defaults to 5
-q|--mapq mapping Minimum mapping quality; defaults to 10
--filter For annotated ASE tables, filter based on warnings provided.
Choose one or more from bl (blacklisted), gt (genotype),
mm (multimapping), other, or indel; pass '--filter' with no
extra arguments for all filters
utility options:
-v|--verbosity Verbosity level, choose from debug, info, warning, error, critical;
defaults to info
Input Formats¶
- ASE table
See the output of
- BAM file
Standard BAM file
A tab-separated table with the following columns: