Calculate per variant read counts
input/output options:
-b|--bam BAM file containing RNA-seq reads
-f|--vcf Genotype VCF for sample
-o|--output Name of output ASE file; defaults to lorals_out/ase.tsv
ase options:
-w|--window Window around a variant to calculate number of matches;
defaults to 5
-t|--threshold Minimum number of matches in window around the variant;
defaults to 8
utility options:
-v|--verbosity Verbosity level, choose from debug, info, warning, error, critical;
defaults to info
Input Formats¶
A tab-separated table with the following columns:
- contig
The chromosome or contig of the variant
- position
The position of the variant
- variantID
The ID given to the variant
- refAllele
The reference allele of the variant
- altAllele
The alternate alleles, joined by commas, of the variant
- refCount
The count of the reference allele for this variant
- altCount
The count of the alternate allele for this variant
- totalCount
The total expression (ref + alt) count for this variant
- refIndelCount
Ref indel count
- altIndelCount
alt indel count
- otherBases
The count of other alleles for this variant
- rawDepth
The total expression (ref + alt + other) count for this variant